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CIEP 2023

Confederation Africa of Sport Petanque
logo casp  Président:  

 Brahim Derwiche

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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Affiliated federations

algerie benin burkina faso cameroon
Algeria Benin Burkina Faso Cameroon
comores congo djibouti gabon
Comoros Congo Djibouti Gabon
guinee ivory coast libye madagascar
Guinea Ivory Coast Libya Madagascar
mali mauritanie maurice maroc
Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco
niger senegal seychelles tchad
Niger Senegal  Seychelles Tchad
togo tunisie ouganda zambia
Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia
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Websites of Federations

fed7 icon2 fed59 logo FTBP