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World Championships 2023 in Cotonou (Benin)

World Championships 2023 in Cotonou (Benin)

credit photo Karel Dohnal FIPJP

Women's Juniors World Championship Bangkok 2023

Women's Juniors World Championship Bangkok 2023

credit photo: Karel Dohnal F.I.P.J.P

Championnats du Monde 2023 à Bangkok (Thaïlande)

Championnats du Monde 2023 à Bangkok (Thaïlande)

crédit photo Karel Dohnal - F.I.P.J.P.

Championnats du Monde 2018 à Desbiens (Canada)

Championnats du Monde 2018 à Desbiens (Canada)

credit photo: Claudio Mamino

Championnats du Monde 2021 à Santa Suzanna (Espagne)

Championnats du Monde 2021 à Santa Suzanna (Espagne)

credit photo Claudio Mamino

CIEP 2023

informerWe remind you that the federations, clubs or leaders who would continue to maintain relations with leaders suspended by the FIPJP or excluded from the International Federation would expose themselves to sanctions, in application of articles 61 and 62 of our statutes and in accordance with decisions already taken by the Executive Committee: suspension of the leaders, prohibition of exercising leading functions in member federations of the FIPJP, prohibition of representation in our championships, world or continental, as well as in international congresses...

You must only accept in your competitions players who are licensed by the FIPJP member federations and therefore be careful with the licences they present to you claiming to represent their country, as was the case last year in France and in several African countries. Such is the case of players from Ivory Coast who only have a licence from the FIP (the Ivorian federation of pétanque), which is excluded from the FIPJP because its leaders have been suspended for life by the FIPJP, including its former president who chaired the so-called African confederation of pétanque. The only member federation of the FIPJP is now the FIPB, the Fédération Ivoirienne de Boules et de Pétanque.

Normally, you should only display the presence of countries in your competitions when there are teams officially sent by their federation, which would avoid this type of inconvenience. Countries are represented by official teams and not by any individual people! The contact details of the leaders are all on the FIPJP website.clic